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Showing posts with the label Social Media

Here's the Best Long Stylish Facebook Comments of this Year

Long Stylish Facebook Comments to Comment on Facebook Post this Year Facebook Comments Collection Giving you super fb comments is basically my primary goal of this post. If you are searching comments for fb text, then you are on right website. Here, I am sharing stylish fb comments which will make your facebook profile adorable and fancy. Who doesn't want to shine smart and lovely on social media? I think most of the people are using social media like Facebook, Instagram, twitter etc. And there is 75-80 percent chance when you stuck in the position where you will find yourself perplexed in choosing right fb comment to do on facebook feed posts. However, this post contain facebook photo Comments Hindi and even in English.  ✔✔ ¸.•*;*•.¸ 📊 ¸.•*;*•.¸✓✓ ✔✔⚀✤BEAUTIFUL ⚀✤⚀ ✔✔ ¸.•*;*•.¸ 📊 ¸.•*;*•.¸ ✔✔ ⚀✤⚀#AWESOME ⚀✤⚀ ✔✔ ¸.•*;*•.¸ 📊 ¸.•*;t•.¸ ✔✔ ⚀✤⚀#EXCELLENT ⚀✤⚀ ✔✔ ¸.•*;*•.¸ 📊 ¸.•*;*•.¸ ✔✔ .................  #_फुल__कड़क★★★☺😉#_बोले__तो__झक्कास★ #pic____जोरदार___ #__कमाल_है_looks

Impact of Social Media on Kids of the 21st Century | Trending Gyan

YOUR KIDS TRAPPED IN SOCIAL MEDIA? HERE WHAT TO DO Kids using Social Media Nowadays, all kids are stuck to their mobile phones, tablets, iPads, all day. So what is to happen to them? It because of this whole exposure to radiation? Or the pressure of social media ? So, what are the impact of Social Media on Kids of the 21st Century? Technology is a tremendous enabler in our lives. How many things have become easy, and our lives have become so enhanced because technology facilitates so many things in our lives. Well, what you're actually complaining of isn't technology, you're complaining of human compulsiveness. If they start eating, they don’t know when to stop eating. If they begin drinking, they don’t know when to prevent drinking. So whatever they begin doing, they become compulsively addicted thereto. So right now, the thrill is about the gadgets, for this generation. So, technology is not to be blamed, we’ve not addressed human compulsive nature.


SOCIAL MEDIA AS A YOGA TEACHER You might be one of the millions who has taken a yoga class then you perhaps even mastered the peacock pose or maybe the downward dog pose. You might do yoga for physical benefits or to rest your mind but Yoga has a lot more to offer for deeper consciousness and higher awareness. Hey, guys, it's Baamaa's Beta from Trending Gyan if you haven't been reading I'm sharing some tips and tools of social media with you and in this article, I'm going to talk about how you can thrive as a yield a teacher to build a wonderful business for yourself as well as help the world become a healthier, happier place. What is better than that today I'd like to share with you some of the most effective ways to build your brand and yourself as a yoga teacher through social media. What is yoga? The term Yoga means union the union between our body and the different aspects of life. The balance with our mind and with a bigger connection w

Reason Behind Quitting Social Media | Social Media Vs. Reality

Scrolling through our social media feeds feels like a harmless part of our daily lives. But is it actually as harmless as seems? " Our growing and unchecked obsession with social media have unintended long term consequences on our mental health. " -Bailey Parnell Is Social Media Hurting Your Mental Health? How are they affecting you over time?  Why should I quit social media?  I will discuss the unintended consequences social media is having on your mental health. I will show you what's stressing you out every day, what it's doing to you, and how you can craft a better experience for yourself online. The use of social media has skyrocketed in the last decade. We are spending more and more time on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter. Whenever we have some free time, we check our news feed, to see if something new has happened. Whether we'd like to admit it or not, it's changing why and how we do certain things; and especially how