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Dr. Amruta Created fifth state of matter (BEC) | Proving Bose-Einstein Prediction During Lockdown

Dr. Amruta Created fifth state of matter (BEC) or Proving Bose-Einstein Prediction During Lockdown Do you know in the year 1920 Satyendra Bose and Albert Einstein predicted a new state of matter. Yes, Before this only 4 states of matter were known i.e., Solid, Liquid, Gas and Plasma state . Now, What about 5th State of Matter? This 5th state is the Bose-Einstein Condensate which was nothing but a pre-assumption or Prediction you can say made by both Satyendra Bose and Albert Einstein. In the Year 1995, Only two scientists named Cornell and Weiman . They created what is known as the 5th state of matter or the Bose Einstein Condensate (BEC). This Experiment was performed by using gas containing Rubidium atoms . Let's know about what happens actually or how is it possible to achieve Bose Einstein Condensate: The Fifth state of matter . Let's imagine what happens when we cool a gas.The gas particles they start to lose energy and they come together, they con

Facts Behind the PROBLEM of Teenager nowadays | Teenage Behaviour Questionnaire

In today`s blog , I am going to most necessary topic to talk about. Everyone (almost who is reading my blogs) faces some problems and are confused on even little things.  Teenage, a period when we move from childhood to adulthood. It is the time when our life's career, personality and status is defined.  We suddenly become so much angry in this stage, sometimes becomes so much happy and suddenly sadness arises. It is the age when we become selfish, lazy, more active and affection to make new friends arises.  So today we will learn its causes and how to make teenage an opportunity not a point for disappointment for future. Source: Internet Teenage A person who enters in the age period of 12 and lasts till 19 is termed as teens.  In this period of 13-19 years, change in our body appearance, behaviors and qualities, psychological changes occurs . it is often associated with adolescence.  Since my aim is to tell you problems of teenage how to overcome them.

Here Why Traditional TV doesn't Buffer | How Cable TV Antenna work

In this Article we are going to explore how television satellite works and also the big money flows associated with this broadcasting business. Towards the end of this article we will also explain the interesting reason why there is no buffering of your TV broadcast in the way that internet videos are buffered. To understand satellite TV broadcasting properly, we first need to have some basic knowledge about the parts of a satellite and how satellite moves. As you can see, the Earth revolves around the Sun in an elliptical orbit, and the Earth also turns on it's own axis. You also know that the axis of rotation is not perpendicular to the elliptical orbit surface but slightly inclined, as known. For satellite TV to work the satellite should not move relative to your house. This means that the satellite should rotate at the same speed as that of the Earth. Which means, it will take 24 hours to complete one cycle. Let's work out the force balance equation of t

What Hacking Actually Looks Like & How is Hacking Done

You have probably seen many movies where hacking is portrayed like this... Wait! What does this even mean.Let me show you what hacking actually looks like. From the point where you casually browsing the web,from the point where your social media accounts were Hacked. Hacking happened. Note: For any other language use Google Translation The hacker was able to take over your digital life but how did he manage to do that? He might have done one of these three things: Breaches Social Engineering Man in the Middle Let's read what they each means. BREACHES Believe me or not your password is probably already out there, publicly available on the internet without even your knowledge. This might feel a bit unconvincing but it's true that there is a chance. Even mine existed publicly on the internet without even me knowing it. Until recently when I finally found out that my credentials are already stolen and available for literally anyone to see I had to then

वित्त मंत्री निर्मला सीतारमण जीवन परिचय | Nirmala Sitharaman Minister of Finance, cast, Biography |

इस कोरोना के कारण हुए लॉकडाउन दिनों में, दो या तीन दिनों से निर्मला सीतारमन सुरखियो में हैं। इसका कारण देश की स्थिति है। निर्मला सीतारमण हमारी 2nd महिला वित्त मंत्री हैं। इसलिए आज मैं उनकी जीवन यात्रा साझा करूंगा। निर्मला सीतारमण भारतीय राजनीति की एक परिचित नाम है. यह दक्षिण पंथी विचारधारा की नेत्री हैं और एक लम्बे समय से भारतीय जनता पार्टी में के अंतर्गत कार्य कर रही हैं. 2014 के लोकसभा में राष्ट्रीय जनतान्त्रिक गठबंधन के जीतने के बाद इन्हें प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी ने अपने कैबिनेट में स्थान दिया. देश के कैबिनेट में शामिल होने के साथ ही ये भारतीय जनता पार्टी की प्रवक्ता के पद पर भी हैं, जिस वजह से इन्हें कई चैनलों के टीवी डिबेट में पार्टी के पक्ष से बोलते हुए देखा जाता है. भारतीय जनता पार्टी में ये तमिलनाडु के तिरुचिरापल्ली से हैं. 2014 में इन्होने रक्षा मंत्री का कार्यभार बहुत ही बेहतरीन तरीके से संभाला था. तात्कालिक समय 2019 में इन्हें वित्त मंत्रालय की कमान सौंपा गया है, जो बहुत ही अहम् मंत्रालय है. इसके पूर्व 2014 में अरुण जेटली के द्वारा सभाला जा रहा था.

लॉकडाउन में ये फिल्में आपको जरुर देखने चाहिए [हिंदी] | Movies to Overcome Boredom #2

तो कैसे है आपलोग...?  आज Start करते है वहाँ से जहाँ से वापस आप यहा आए हैं। अगर आपने अभी तक इसका Part #1 नही देखा है तो यहां क्लिक करके देखे । आज मै आपको इस blog में ये बताऊंगा की इस बोरिंग से lockdown में भी आप खुद को कैसे bore होने से बचा सकते है। आज के इस list में मिलेंगे ऐसे movies जिसमें होगा thriller , drama, adventure, horror,  थोड़ा romance भी । भई अब क्या चाहिए तो scroll करो और जो अच्छा लगे उसपर click करो। वैसे सब अच्छा ही है । 1. MRS. SERIAL KILLER रहस्य और रोमांच से भरी इस फिल्म की कहानी हॉलीवुड की 'साइनपोस्ट टू मर्डर' से उठाई गई है, जो कि 1995 में आई थी. शिरीष कुंदर के डायरेक्शन में बनी इस फिल्म को उनकी फिल्म मेकर पत्नी फराह खान ने प्रोड्यूस किया है। जब एक डॉक्टर को चौंकाने वाली हत्याओं के लिए जेल में डाल दिया जाता है, तो उसकी वफादार पत्नी अपनी बेगुनाही साबित करने के लिए नकल अपराध करने के लिए निकल पड़ती है। 2. The Willoughbys यह मानते हुए कि वे खुद को ऊपर उठाने से बेहतर होंगे, Willoughbys बच्चे छुट्टी पर अपने स्वार्थी माता-