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Science in Everyday Life

             Science in Everyday Life

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Today's topic is all about Science.
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science has made the world smaller. Time and distance have almost lost their significance. We can see, hear and speak from incredibly long distances. Vast oceans, great deserts, and dense jungles are no impediments in the way of traveling across them. Journey by land, sea, and air has been made easy, more comfortable, quicker, and safer. About a thousand miles an hour is a common thing. We can travel under the sea in the air, on the land, and now across millions of Miles through spaces.

Internet, computer, telephone, television, telescope, Telegraph, teleprinter, communication satellite, airplane, submarine, magnificent dignified oceans liners, printing presses, clothes mills, and other modern factories are some of the Marvels of the modern age which have revolutionized travel, communication, and lifestyles. Man has reached the moon not once but many times! Lunar landings will soon become a thing of the past. Man-made unmanned spacecraft have already landed on Mars.

The cinematograph, television, photography video, CD players have made life delightful, entertaining, enlightening, and amusing whereas computers, teleprinters, automation, electric heaters, cooler, electrical and air conditioners, refrigerators, cold storage have made life happier, more comfortable and of worth Living! Science has helped eradicate many diseases and provided protection against many incurable diseases.

Huge machines are working day in day out to manufacture things which make our lives pleasant and charming plus comfortable.

There are the other sides of the picture also. Science has its darker aspect as well. Sophisticated weapons such as war tanks, destroyers, torpedoes, bombs, machine guns, guided missiles, ICBMs, atom bombs, hydrogen bombs, etc, have brought havoc on the world and caused innocent people to suffer from these atrocities of ferocious aspect of life.

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