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What is the main difference between Disease, Disorder, Syndrome and Condition?

🔴What is the difference between Disease, Disorder, Syndrome, Condition?

🔴What is a disease?❓

🔹Definition of disease:-Resulting from a pathophysiological response to external or internal factors.
🔷 Today, doctors treat and diagnose a disease based on abnormalities in systemic functions – for example, cardiovascular disease.
These abnormalities can cause both physical and emotional signs and symptoms, as well as pain, dysfunction, distress, social problems, or death.

🔴What is a disorder?❓

🔹Definition of disorder:-
 A disruption of the disease to the normal or regular functions in the body or a part of the body.
🔹 For example, a disorder resulting from cardiovascular disease is arrhythmia or irregular heartbeat.
 An arrhythmia is not a disease itself – it’s an abnormal heartbeat that occurs as a result of having cardiovascular disease.

🔶Disorders can be classified into the following areas:'

🔴What is a syndrome?❓

A syndrome is a term that refers to a disease or a disorder that has more than one identifying feature or symptom. In other words, a syndrome is defined as follows👇
🔹Definition of syndrome:-A collection or set of signs and symptoms that characterize or suggest a particular disease.
🔹For example, Down syndrome is a well-known genetic syndrome. It is characterized by having an extra copy of chromosome 21 in combination with several distinctive physical features at birth.
🔹Medical syndromes can be caused by genetic mutations or other factors.

🔴 What is a condition?❓

Sometimes, a syndrome can be caused by several diseases or it can be a medical condition itself.
🔹Definition of the condition:-An abnormal state of health that interferes with the usual activities or feeling of wellbeing.
🔶For example, chronic fatigue syndrome is a neurological condition, diagnosed from a collection of symptoms in addition to the main symptom of post-exertional malaise.

💠FINALLY, Remember:

🔴A disease:- is a pathophysiological response to internal or external factors.
🔴A disorder:- is a disruption to regular bodily structure and function.
🔴A syndrome:- is a collection of signs and symptoms associated with a specific health-related cause.
🔴A condition:- is an abnormal state of health that interferes with normal or regular feelings of wellbeing.



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