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World's Unsolved Mysteries | Trending Gyan

In this blog, we will see a painting that smiles when we look at lips but fades as go far. A book that has not yet been translated, written in an unknown language. A place where Indian Govt. bans entrance by Evening. A person who came from Unknown country “Taured”

world's unsolved mystries

Today in this blog I am going to share with you some thrilling facts with truths. What you believe from Trending Gyan, is here.

Most mysterious book 

The Voynich Manuscript

A medieval book is written in unknown knowledge. It is written in central Europe in the 15th century. It is larger than a normal book, with 246 pages. There are some gaps in the page number and the order of pages is different than it was published. It's named for Wilfrid Michael Voynich, who was a Polish book dealer who purchased it from an Italian library. He tried to find someone who can translate it but no one can

Source- Internet
So is Google translator not able to translate it?

Google translator works on the translation of words in groups. But we want translation in word by word. It is one of the biggest unsolved problems in history ever. 

Most mysterious paintings

The most mysterious painting of the world. Its smile is most mysterious. You can not determine whether it was made intentional or unintentional. This painting is now owned by the government of France. When you look at her eyes, her mouth is in peripheral vision, which sees in black and white. But the smile soon diminishes when you look straight at it. It changes its look when you look it far away. It makes this painting most mysterious and alive. 

Most mysterious place 

Bhangarh Fort, India


Situated in Rajasthan. This is the most mysterious place where entry is banned after dark by Indian Government. It is the most haunted spot in India. Several deaths have occurred here, reported by the government from Local people.  I have one full post on it. You can see it here.

Most mysterious person

Man from unkown country “Taured”

Imaginary image/ Source-Internet
In July 1954, a man landed at Tokyo international airport. When his passport was checked by airport officials, the passport he carried belongs to an unknown country “ Taured”, which doesn’t exist. He was a businessman and said that his country lies between France and Spain. More confusion arose when he said he has come here several times. He was a French speaker but even fluent in Japanese. Police suspected him as a criminal and were locked in a hotel. His document was seized by police. He was in such security from where he could not escape. But on the other day, the police were surprised when he was found missing in his room. No sign of escape, no damage to any materials, no windows were there, full security. Even he was missing. Most surprising was that his all document, which was kept in Japnese Police headquarters, was also disappeared.

So that’s for all. Give your support and make us trending so that we can give you more Gyan.



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Four Most Beautiful Wedding Traditions Around Globe

Four  Most  Beautiful Wedding Traditions  Around Globe The term ‘wedding’ is simply or broadly known by everyone. In every type of religion, country, you see about it and there is always a desire to know about it to know the culture and tradition by which it takes place. So for that, we are going to elaborately know about it that what it is and how is it different in every religion or country. So let’s get started to know some World beautiful wedding traditions.  Most Beautiful wedding Traditions around Globe  A  wedding is a ritualistic event where two peoples are united in a system of marriage. The word ‘marriage’ is a union of at least two individuals (partners) at a physical & psychological level. The way of getting married or wedding varies from place to place. Let’s have a look at  Four Beautiful Wedding Traditions Around Globe.   1.     Russian wedding Tradition A Russian wedding is varied or different from other we...