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Precautions to Take while Commenting on Facebook Post - Facebook Community Standards

 To build a strong relationship with our audience Facebook has a very interesting feature of commenting. The comment box in the Facebook is the best place to engage and interact with your audience. Whenever we upload any post, let's suppose you are going to post your childhood pic on the Facebook. Now, what you're gonna expect some crazy comments in your post's comment box. Isn't it? But wait, what if someone start bullying, spreading violence or something which is against the Facebook's community standards?

Read before commenting on Facebook
Facebook Community Standards

Facebook is being used by more than two billion people all across the globe and in dozens of languages.

To keep the Facebook atmosphere safe there are a lot of community standards of Facebook you should must know about. Facebook says they know how important it is to keep this platform safe where people feel empowered to communicate, to share their experiences, connect with friends and family, and also to build communities.

Note: Content that might not be considered hateful may still be removed for violating a different policy. Facebook recognise that words mean different things or affect people differently depending on their local community, language or background. 

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Facebook take thier role seriously in keeping abuse off their service. And this is the very reason there are a lot of community standards you must follow:

1. Suicide and self-injury : 

Facebook don't allow people to intentionally or unintentionally celebrate or promote suicide or self-injury. So never ever try to do the same.

2. Child sexual exploitation, abuse and nudity :

Facebook do not allow content that sexually exploits or endangers children. When FB become aware of apparent child exploitation, FB report it to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), in compliance with applicable law. 

3. Bullying and harassment

Facebook do not tolerate bullying and harassment kind of behaviour because it prevents people from feeling safe and respected on Facebook.

4. Fraud and deception

Facebook remove content that purposefully deceives, wilfully misrepresents, or otherwise defrauds or exploits others for money or property.

5. Human exploitation

Facebook remove content that facilitates or coordinates the exploitation of humans, including human trafficking.

6. Violence and incitement

Facebook remove content, disable accounts and work with law enforcement when they believe that there is a genuine risk of physical harm or direct threats to public safety. 

7. Coordinating harm and publicising crime

Facebook prohibit people from facilitating, organising, promoting or admitting to certain criminal or harmful activities targeted at people, businesses, property or animals. 

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Everything I told above has been told by Facebook itself and if you do not follow this standards while commenting on Facebook post then you may come in a big crisis. Here are some important things that you must keep in mind before commenting on Facebook. One of your negligence can block your account and you can be sued if you promote it. As I said in the beginning, there are more than 2 billion people using Facebook, it can include small and big people. Therefore, it becomes our duty to keep such a good platform like Facebook clean and tidy. How did you like this post, you can tell us in the comment section below and share this post with your friends.


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