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Unacademy क्या है, Unacademy learning app को कैसे Join करें, Unacademy Educator कैसे बने?

Unacademy क्या है? Unacademy को कैसे Join करे? Unacademy learning app को कैसे Join करें, Unacademy Educator कैसे बने , Courses, Plus Courses ऐसे कुछ सवालों के जवाब आपको इस आर्टिकल में मिलेगा। जैसे जैसे इंटरनेट का प्रचलन बढ़ते जा रहा है और जिस तरह से यह भारत डिजिटल युग मे प्रवेश कर रहा है। यह बेहद ही सराहनीय है। आज हम आपसे डिजिटल मध्यम से भारत के कोने कोने तक शिक्षा पहुचा रहा Unacademy के बारे में बात करेंगे। कैसे इसका उत्पत्ति हुआ? कैसे काम करता है? यदि हम छात्र है तो इसका उपयोग कैसे कर सकते हैं और यदि हम एक शिक्षक है तो ये हमारे लिए कैसे फायदेमंद है? अगर आप यहां तक आए हैं तो ये कुछ सवाल है जो आपके मन मे जरुर उत्पन्न हो रहा होगा। Unacademy से रिलेटेड जितने भी doubts होंगे वो इस आर्टिकल को पढ़ने के बाद clear हो जाएंगे। Unacademy क्या है? Unacademy क्या है? Unacademy भारत का सबसे बड़ा ऑनलाइन शिक्षा पहुंचने वाला platform है। अनअकैडमी की शुरुआत यूट्यूब चैनल के रूप में हुई थी जिसे 2010 में गौरव मुंजल ने बनाया था। इसके बाद 2015 में Roman Saini और Hemesh Singh ने इस YouTube प्लेटफार्म

550+ Best Signal Group Names List For Friends and Family

Best Signal Group Names 2021 are being searched by many people every day on the Internet with a large volume. But, most people are facing difficulties when they do not get any idea of their desired group name. Why? Because most of the blogs have shared very old-fashioned names and that is only WhatsApp. They are not up to date with the latest Trending names loved by people. Nowadays Friends are switching to Signal and making their Signal Group related to Memes. While some websites don’t even mention Memes on their site as they were updated a very long time ago. Well, we need to forget them. As you are nowhere, on Trending Gyan. You will not be disappointed with us. We have shared some of the TOP 550+ Group Names for Signal in this article. Everybody has their Signal Group with their Friends or Family members. And there is a tremendous switch to Signal Messaging App as WhatsApp brings its new privacy policy. That's why I can think you have one too. Anybody can create a group on S

A brief Story of Emojis - Trending Gyan

The Story of Emojis With so much use on daily Social media, emoji stories have gone so much wider than with over six billion sent every day, emoji have gone truly global in the last few years, actually, emoji word in Japanese characters for picture writing. They began life when their inventor noted a craze for sending heart icons among Japanese teenagers.  Before emoji, emoticons had let you express how you felt by using combinations of punctuation marks. Now though there are emoji for almost everything. There are ones with different sexual orientations skin tones and genders. A Brief Story of Emojis. Img Src-  Pixbay Now at the same time, Japan was developing emoticons of their own, but they took a different approach. Instead of writing emoticons sideways to the direction of the text, users in Japan popularized a kind of emoticon called KAOMOJI KAO , meaning face, and Moji, meaning character hat was written in the same orientation as the text. As the internet became widespread i

Females Arising or Facing Around the Globe?

Females Arising or Facing? Synopsis There is always a woman behind the success of every successful man. Females Arising or Facing? As we know a society plays a major role in our life. As society is helpful in financial security, assistance for education, unemployment, medical expenses, etc. But how these came to us? These can be only possible when there is a better society around us. There should be no discrimination. Have you ever thought that a better society forms when better and positive thoughts will be pointed out but nowadays around us, there is a great lack of this? The main lack is discrimination between males and females. We are lack better and positive thoughts. We don’t care for that better and positive thoughts with no discrimination among each other will provide support to each other and thus we can be prosperous. We think that without male our society can never be developed but we are wrong. As we know without plants, human beings are nothing and without human