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Gurukul & Modern Education- You prefer?

Gurukul & Modern Education- You prefer? Education has been important to us since ancient times. It helps people not only to learn new things but also helpful to see various interesting and unbelievable things occurring around the surroundings. In ancient times, with the help of education, the cultures were extending day by day with new techniques. In India, it is so interesting to hear about the education system. It is very different from other countries. So, before reading it broadly we will divide it into two categories, i.e., Ancient education and modern education. So without wasting time let’s start with the first topic. Modern School structure Highlights The most discoveries which we discovered some years ago, those things were discovered by the people of gurukul. The advantages of modern education are that it helps make our work easier directly or indirectly. The most interesting thing noticed in that era was that the literacy rate of India was almost 100 percent all over th

Four Most Beautiful Wedding Traditions Around Globe

Four  Most  Beautiful Wedding Traditions  Around Globe The term ‘wedding’ is simply or broadly known by everyone. In every type of religion, country, you see about it and there is always a desire to know about it to know the culture and tradition by which it takes place. So for that, we are going to elaborately know about it that what it is and how is it different in every religion or country. So let’s get started to know some World beautiful wedding traditions.  Most Beautiful wedding Traditions around Globe  A  wedding is a ritualistic event where two peoples are united in a system of marriage. The word ‘marriage’ is a union of at least two individuals (partners) at a physical & psychological level. The way of getting married or wedding varies from place to place. Let’s have a look at  Four Beautiful Wedding Traditions Around Globe.   1.     Russian wedding Tradition A Russian wedding is varied or different from other wedding traditions weddings are common in Russia, the pe

Hindi poem on Independence day

Independence day Poem in Hindi  Hello friends, finally we are on 💯 posts and on this independence day i have written a poem on this patriotic day. The day when new India emerged. After all you all know better about 15 August so, I move to the point which is Hindi poem on Independence day. Independence day Poem in Hindi यह है मेरे वतन की कहानी , मेरी खुद की ज़ुबानी, एकता जिसकी जान है , पर भिभिंता इसकी पहचान है। अरदास की आवाज के साथ जुड़ी हुई अज़ान है, यही श्मशान है तो यही कब्रिस्तान है, खुशनसीब है वो को बसा हिन्दुस्तान है।। कहकर खुद को भारतीय , होता है मुझे गर्व, मै उस देश का वासी हूं , जहां हर रोज़ होता है एक पर्व। भले ही मेरा भारत अब हो गया है इंडिया, पर आज भी यहां फूड़ते है माखन कि कई हांडिया। Hindi poem on Independence day पड़ोसी की जहां करते है खातिरदारी,  जो विरुद्ध इसके करते है साझेदारी। करके सर्जिकल स्ट्राइक एक को दिखाई उसकी औकात, दो दूसरे को दी थी मुक्केबाजी में हर की सौगात। जिसकी ताकत से ना कोई अब दूजा अनजान है, खुशनसीब है वो को बसा हिन्दुस्तान है।। करने में जिसको सबका विफल र


  NASA VS ISRO: A  COMPARISION  There are  many  space  agencies  and organisations  working till date  to  research  on  various  space  objectives  and phenomena occurring  in  space  and to  explore  space  related matters  that is happening at each  &  every  moment  across  the  entire  Univerese. Among all  such  agencies  NASA  &  ISRO are the two  top  most organisations  which  are  coming  under top 5  space  agencies  in the  world  for  contributing various  researches  and  their  great missions. Today we are going to compare these two via our blog on titled - NASA V/S ISRO: A COMPARISION. NASA V/S ISRO: A COMPARISION © Trending Gyan NASA    (National  Aeronautics and  Space  Adminstration)   is  the space  agency  of  United  states  of  America  which  was  started  on October 1, 1958,  as  a  part  of US government.  This  was established  by  Dwight D Eisenhower  and  headquarter  of  NASA is  at Washington  DC in the United  States.  As  an  organisation  of o

Incredible Positive Effects on Environment

Incredible Positive Effects on Environment Nature has given us everything we want (directly or indirectly). It is that which gives us the basic things for our survival .i.e, {food (include water also), cloth and air). It has provided us a survival-based environment that encompasses all living and non-living things .  The term environment sometimes called nature is that which has given us and other survival-based or non-survival based things the existence to be the part of this universe. If there are many things given by the environment to us then there are also some positive impacts given by us to the environment which help it also to be maintained. A question will have appeared on my mind for a second that how it is possible. We will think of it and know some  Incredible Positive Effects on Environment. 1 . The weird things that are good for Living beings Before answering this first imagine that what will happen when if there will be no other organism that can harm the deer. The resul

Sri Krishna Janmashtami Shubhkamnaye Wishes in Hindi | Gokulashtami (Kanha Janmotsav) Image Wishes

Krishna Janmashtami (Gokulashtami) Hardik Shubhkamnaye Wishes with Images in Hindi जन्माष्टमी पर, महामारी के समय में, समय निकालकर सुन्दर  Krishna Janmotsav Wishes in Hindi (विशेस) अपने प्रियजनों को भेजें। कृष्ण जन्माष्टमी क्या है? जन्माष्टमी या गोकुलाष्टमी पूरे देश में बड़े हर्षोल्लास के साथ मनाई जाती है। यह भारत में सबसे लोकप्रिय त्योहारों में से एक है, जो भगवान कृष्ण का जन्मदिन मना रहा है। जन्माष्टमी या गोकुलाष्टमी बड़े उत्सव का दिन है। पौराणिक कथा के अनुसार, कृष्ण का जन्म अष्टमी (आठवें) को कृष्ण पक्ष में या भाद्रपद (अगस्त-सितंबर) के अमावस्या चरण में हुआ था। कृष्ण अपने माता-पिता, देवकी और वासुदेव की आठवीं संतान भी हैं। दही हांडी उत्सव... जन्माष्टमी पर सबसे लोकप्रिय त्योहारों में से एक दही हांडी को गोकुलाष्टमी पर मुंबई में बहुत ही हर्षोल्लास के साथ मनाया जाता है। लेकिन इस साल, कोरोनोवायरस महामारी के कारण, दही हांडी के आयोजकों ने उत्सव को रद्द कर दिया है। Sri Krishna Janmashtami Shubhkamnaye Wishes in Hindi | Gokulashtami Wishes नंद का दुलारा , देवकी का प्यार यशोदा की आंख का